Each year Bhante Sujatha works to raise funds to construct a home for homeless families in Sri Lanka. Projects are selected based on the immediacy of need, and viability.

Typically, these are modest but comfortable homes that provide not only safety from the elements and jungle creatures, but an opportunity for health and mental well-being. Oftentimes projects are already underway, and a family needs some support to complete the job. In other cases, the work starts from scratch, and a community comes together to help a family in need.

In any case, these projects are hand picked, and overseen by the Sanatha Suwaya staff, and building contractors that offer discounted rates and consultations for a better world.

If you are inspired by any of these projects, remember that each and every donation is a help to building a home for a deserving family in need.

Walapanne House

One of the homes for the 2020/21 house building initiative is located in Walapanne. The structure will be a home for a single mother of three. Her eldest son has special needs, and with minimal skills, she earns what she can sewing small carpets and odd jobs. Her only possession is a small piece of land, and it is here that her new home is being built.

If you would like to donate or learn more, please contact us, or hit the donate button.

Gampola House

Another home being constructed for the 2020/21 house building initiative is located in Gampola. The family that will live in this home is a single mother and her twin daughters. Due to an impossible living situation, this mother was forced to leave on her own with her 11 year old daughters. They have lived homelessly for 2 years, moving from place to place, not always sleeping at the same address. A piece of land was generously offered, and with the support of donors, a home for them is under construction.

If you would like to donate or learn more, please contact us, or hit the donate button.

Student Sponsorships

Due to his hard work to uplift the world and Sri Lankan community, Bhante Sujatha receives requests for assistance almost every day. The need in the world is great, and while we can’t help everyone, we can try to help one at a time.

It is with this spirit that the “Student Sponsorship Initiative” was created. In this program, donors can commit to one-time, or ongoing donations that will help to provide general student needs like uniforms, and stationary.

If you would like to donate or learn more, please contact us, or hit the donate button.