I initiated the essential food supply program as an effort to ease the burden of low income families and individuals during this world pandemic crisis. Since it’s inception, my students and friends from all over the world have been generously giving donations to support this program.
This month, we offered essential supplies to an elderly home and chose to do so on Christmas Day.
This elderly home is special in that it houses seniors who have no pension or family support. It houses 25 residents and is supported by donations from my home temple. Because of the pandemic, families are earning less and therefore less able to offer donations to places such as these.
When we offered the supplies to these grateful people, I saw myself in them. At this time, I still have the strength to carry myself, and work hard. Once, these people were the same. Now, their strength is leaving them and it is so rewarding to know that we are using our energy while we have it for something good.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this effort. We are continuing this program here in Sri Lanka and please join if you can. Every little bit helps!
I wish you all my blessings, a Merry Christmas, and to be well, happy, and peaceful.