Good news!

Not only is it fortunate for us to be able to bring you a story of good news, but to have been able to participate in it, is an honor.

Each year I work to donate at least one home to a family in need in Sri Lanka. For 2020, I have been working to build 2 houses, and today, we were able to officially offer the first one!

The house was given to a family of three, living within a small village near the town of Dambulla. When the family first appealed to us, we went to see the home they were living in. It was a single room shack with thin metal walls supported by roughly cut small trees and wire, a variety of different materials used for roofing sheets, and a dirt floor.

On the day we went, we met a young woman with her baby. I went into the shack with another monk and within a few minutes, we were sweating so much that we had to go outside. My first thought was, if it was difficult for us to be in there for even a few moments, how can that woman and her baby live like this? It was in that moment I decided to help her however I could.

I cannot do work like this on my own, and it takes a community to make these projects a success. When teaching classes and sharing stories like these, I ask if anyone is interested to help. I am so grateful to my longtime and dear friends, the Ottolino family. When I told them the story, their family business, “The Nelson Insulation Company”, covered the entire cost of the materials and construction of the home as a tribute to their departed relations.

We were able to build the home in less than one year, and the construction was managed under the careful guidance and direction of Theekshana Gammanpila, his Father, Bhante Wewagamma Dhammika, and the Sanatha Suwaya team.

I am grateful to all the people who worked together to help this poor family. I want everyone who helped to know that now thanks to their efforts, that family can now feel safe, and have hope, and comfort.

Together can create so much good in this life, and I recommit myself everyday to use my own life for the betterment of the world by adding more love. Thanks to all of you who trust and believe in me.

If you would like to join in with projects like these or others, please visit my website,, or write to me at

May you be well, happy, and peaceful.
Bhante Sujatha