Dear Friends,

We are very happy to be able to share with you these photos from the charitable effort we hosted yesterday at Sanatha Suwaya.

This program was sponsored by Roshan Chandrasekara and family, in honor of their mother’s birthday. In this event organized by Venerable Bhante Sujatha and the Team at Sanatha Suwaya, 10 elderly women were offered white sari’s, white face-masks, and other garments to make a complete and safe set of clothing for them to wear when visiting temples! In addition, these women were given a small gift of money, and offered a pizza lunch!

It was a brief and meaningful moment to share with multiple generations of family members, and a skillful Dhamma talk was given by Venerable Buddharakkita, who also led in the transference of merits for the charitable works.

It is our pleasure to be able to be part of these efforts, and support our Sri Lankan friends abroad who cannot be with their families.

Please enjoy these images, and we wish all beings to be well, happy, and peaceful.

live in joy